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16 Apr, 2022 02:03AM

Update: New Host

Okay. I think I’ve got everything working.

As much as I really love Stablehost, I do have to cut my expenses and get my priorities right and so moved all of my domains to Leprd. Yes, there’s no unlimited bandwidth and storage, but seriously, I don’t even use that much anyway. Had been procrastinating for so long, but the move made me finally upgraded everything to PHP 7. Anything not working, please let me know.

Also, with the move, did some cleanup of some fanlistings that I had been debating on whether to close or not. So now, closed the Gokusen, Transformers: Bumblebee, and Orange Range fanlistings.

Crossing my fingers that I didn’t miss anything in moving. 😐

mood: content

26 Feb, 2022 01:49PM


Stupid me didn’t realize that my KIM list isn’t working properly. ;____; Fixed it now. So ever if you submitted your information to the KIM list and still didn’t see your name in the list or wanted to update your information, please resubmit again. I’m really sorry.

mood: embarrassed

12 Feb, 2022 12:13AM

Update: Riku

Was able to crosslist Riku to TAFL! Shiro Amano’s take on the Kingdom Hearts series is really adorable so I’m glad that I was able to crosslist the TFL approved fanlisting. 🙂

19 Sep, 2021 02:45PM

Adopted Out: Fuji

Adopted out the Fuji Syuusuke fanlisting to Dorothy. So everything moved there already. Update forms in both TAFL and TFL already submitted.

Again, doing house cleaning. I don’t have a final list of what to adopt out but if you want to be considered for any of the fanlistings, please fill out the KIM form.

23 Jul, 2021 10:13PM

New: Levi, Prisoner of Azkaban, Riku

I know I haven’t posted in two years but that doesn’t mean nothing happened in the network. Got approved for three wishlisters within that time span: Levi, HP:PoA, and Riku.

Humanity’s Strongest
Shingeki no Kyoujin: Levi

Mischief Managed
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Way to the Dawn
Kingdom Hearts: Riku

I’m on the fence in keeping some of my older fanlistings. So if anyone is still reading this and wants to be notified of any adoptions, feel free to add your name to the KiM list or contact me.

mood: tired
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